There are many options available for the area under your playground. All of them will provide a level of safety for falls, provided that they are installed correctly with the right amount of depth and that they are maintained.
Many people will place their play set directly on the lawn. It is very important to understand that the grass under the set must be maintained continually. It must be reseeded, fertilized, and watered extensively to make sure it stays thick and plush providing a level of impact absorption. Sets with fall heights greater than 5' high should seek a better surface than the lawn. Worn areas, should they occur must be repaired as soon as possible and play restricted until the area is replenished. Utilizing play mats to increase impact absorbing is also a good idea with play sets placed on grass.
Wood mulch as a play surface is the most affordable option for ground cover. The biggest mistake that people make when selecting this product is not using enough of it. The price is cheap enough that buying extra is not wasteful, but rather an investment in the overall safety of the play system. For most residential applications we suggest 6-8 inches of wood chips. We also suggest using a geo-textile weed mat as well. This is applied on the ground before the wood chips are installed. The perimeter can be enclosed with ties of any number of materials. We sell rubber ties, as well as wood ties. Both work well. The rubber ties are soft so a trip and fall on to them is a bit safer than a fall on the wood ones. The main purpose of the ties is to keep the mulch from migrating. Some applications, in less formal areas, are often done without border ties. this eliminates the possibility of tripping upon entering or exiting the play area. This type of installation works well in wooded areas.
This is fast becoming the surface of choice for many of our customers. The turf option provides a product that can be installed under just the areas that need to be protected. It does not require a border of ties so there are no trip hazzards. There is also no migration issue with the product. The installation is easy and can be done in a number of ways to address the needs of the individual application. We also have packages that are pre-cut to go just where you need them to, and they represent excellent value.
The turf can be had in different colors, but the number one best selling color is green. It requires virtually no maintenance. Unlike any other playground surface option, it lives on after the kids are done with the playground. The turf can be used for soccer, baseball batting practice, golf swings, lacrosse goal areas, field hockey shooting area, and many other applications. It can be easily moved to another location as well, making this the most versatile play surface available. Call us at 631-451-2200 for a fast and accurate quote.
There are many options available for the area under your playground. All of them will provide a level of safety for falls, provided that they are installed correctly with the right amount of depth and that they are maintained.
Many people will place their play set directly on the lawn. It is very important to understand that the grass under the set must be maintained continually. It must be reseeded, fertilized, and watered extensively to make sure it stays thick and plush providing a level of impact absorption. Sets with fall heights greater than 5' high should seek a better surface than the lawn. Worn areas, should they occur must be repaired as soon as possible and play restricted until the area is replenished. Utilizing play mats to increase impact absorbing is also a good idea with play sets placed on grass.
Wood mulch as a play surface is the most affordable option for ground cover. The biggest mistake that people make when selecting this product is not using enough of it. The price is cheap enough that buying extra is not wasteful, but rather an investment in the overall safety of the play system. For most residential applications we suggest 6-8 inches of wood chips. We also suggest using a geo-textile weed mat as well. This is applied on the ground before the wood chips are installed. The perimeter can be enclosed with ties of any number of materials. We sell rubber ties, as well as wood ties. Both work well. The rubber ties are soft so a trip and fall on to them is a bit safer than a fall on the wood ones. The main purpose of the ties is to keep the mulch from migrating. Some applications, in less formal areas, are often done without border ties. this eliminates the possibility of tripping upon entering or exiting the play area. This type of installation works well in wooded areas.
If you need safety surfacing installed in your playground, just call us at (631) 451-2200 and we can explain all the options and prices available.
We'd be happy to help you select the right safety surface for your playground.
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Monday - Friday 11:00 to 6:00
Saturday 11:00 to 6:00
Sunday 12:00 to 5:00
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